Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ten on Tuesday!

I realized I haven't blogged in a few days, so today I decided to link up with Roots and Rings for Ten on Tuesday!!  Here are the 10 questions she left this week!! :)

1. What did you do this weekend?
     This past weekend I visited a friend in Baltimore, MD.  It was a very relaxing weekend and it was great to spend time with my friend!  The only thing I could complain about was the horrible bus rides! I used Megabus and they were just so disorganized.  Other than that, the trip was great!

2. Do you prefer short fingernails or long fingernails?
      I prefer long nails personally, but my definition of "long" nails isn't very long!  I have a bad habit of biting my nails so they are normally very short.  If they grow past the tips of my fingers then I consider them long and love them!

3.What is your favorite use for Pinterest?
      I have to admit that I have yet to become addicted to Pinterest!  I have one and browse occasionally but have never found time to try some of the ideas posted!  But if I had to choose I would have to say I love the new food and drink recipes I've found... I just hope I can try them some day!

4.Do you sleep with your mouth open?
      Yes! It's kind of embarrassing but I can't help it! I can't breathe through my nose properly (even when I'm awake) so I always wake up with horrible dry mouth!  

5. Where did you have the best pizza you've ever eaten?
      I can't mention a specific place but I would say in NYC.  Since I've lived in the city I've had pizza at a few different places but its always amazing!!! One of my favorites is Famiglia's broccoli and chicken pizza!!! But I'd also have to say I'm a big Papa Johns fan as well so if it's pizza, then its usually good!

6. What do you eat for breakfast on weekdays?
     It depends on how much time I have in the mornings!  Tuesdays and Thursdays I have an early class so its usually grabbing a granola bar and I'm out the door.  The other days I usually don't have anything to do until the afternoon so when I wake up before noon it's usually cereal, a bagel, or occasionally some eggs and toast!

7. Do you watch award shows? Why or why not?
       Sometimes... If I happen to be at home when they are on then of course I'll tune in to see all the pretty dresses!  But if it's the CMAs or CMT Awards then I make sure to watch!! I love country music!!

8. Can you whistle? Snap? Curl your tongue? Bend down and touch you palms to the ground?
         Whistle- No, I wish.... Snap-Yes.... Curl my tongue- Yes.... Bend down and touch the ground- No...I'm not even close!! I need to become more flexible!

9. What email service do you use?
        Gmail!! I just use my old university email and it happens to be Gmail so that's what I go for!! I also have a personal Gmail account, an old AOL account, and a crappy account through Columbia but they really need to upgrade!

10. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
        I love just walking around... In undergrad, my roommate and I would just take long walks on a nice night just to ponder about life!  I miss those!! But now I love walking around Central Park, or just walking for no reason.  It's a good way to clear my head!  

I hope you all have had a great day!!!  Please pray for me as I'm taking on midterms within the next week!  Just 10 days until Spring Break!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy National Margarita Day!!!

I know it's Ash Wednesday so it seems bad to have "National Margarita Day" on the same day, but I didn't create it, so I guess I'll just enjoy it! :)  I've never participated in Lent but this year I decided I'll give it a try!  I had a hard time coming up with something to give up since I don't drink much soda or eat fried food often anyways...but I decided I'm giving up late night eating!!! Since being in New York, grabbing a late night snack from a street cart or the market has become a bad habit! So now I will not eat after 9:30 pm... I know that's still pretty late but I have a few classes that are from 6-8:45 pm and 5pm is way too early to eat dinner so I had to give myself a little time after class to grab dinner!  Hopefully I can achieve this goal!  (My roommate decided to give up elevators! I think it's a pretty cool idea since we only live on the 5th floor so its not hard to walk up the stairs!  Good way to get some extra calories burned!)

Anyways,...I don't know about you but today has been the longest day everrrr! Time has not been on my side!! I guess I'm just really looking forward to the weekend, and whenever you're excited about something, it can never come quick enough!!

Although I slept in (entirely too late) I woke up sooo sore! I ran 2 miles yesterday and I'm not a runner so that just equals pain!  I also had a dream that I had decided to play college basketball again and went to pre-season workouts (something I definitely don't miss).  I think that just made my soreness more mentally painful!

Anyways,  I spent the entire afternoon in the library with some friends doing our homework...homework that is ridiculously hard!  Sometimes I wonder why I decided to go to graduate school!  I hope it pays off one day (and I know it will).  After completing (most of) the homework, we decided to grab a frozen margarita to celebrate this great holiday! It was a great way to recover from our brain overload at the library!

After dinner with a friend, I came home to watch Revenge! (Amazing show!!!)  Unfortunately there is no new episode tonight! Bummer!! Luckily for me, the book "Catching Fire" I ordered (not even 48 hours ago) arrived today!! So I'll get to use this time to read!!!

Last but not least, I went to brush my teeth and clumsily dropped my toothbrush in the toilet!! EEKKK! I'm just thankful my dad decided to throw in an extra one in my last care package!! ;)

Hope you all had a great dayy!!

What did you give up for Lent?!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Lazy Day!

Happy Monday!
I know everyone usually hates Monday's but since I have no classes on Mondays, I personally love it (at least during this semester!) Anyways, I perfected the lazy day!! Last night I stayed up until about 3 am reading "The Hunger Games"...and of course I woke up thinking about "The Hunger Games" so I grabbed the book and laid in bed most of the day until I finished it...
All I have to say is: AMAZING!!!

The best part of the book is that it leaves you hanging... thankfully the series is complete so I went online and ordered the next book "Catching Fire"....so now I just have to wait 2-3 days until it's delivered and I can continue where it left off!!  It seems like too long to wait, but I guess it might be a good thing since I have midterms coming up and I should probably be preparing for those?!! (Studying ruins everything!)

Anyways, after laying around all day I decided I needed to get out for some fresh air!  Luckily, the city didn't get any snow yesterday and it wasn't too cold.  I ended up walking the 40 blocks to Trader Joes!  It was so refreshing to just get out and walk (while listening to my iPod of course)!  The funny thing was, when I got to Trader Joes, it was SO busy...and New Yorkers aren't the most polite people when they are grocery shopping! I ended up doing a lap in the store and walking right back outside!  Although the prices are a little cheaper, it just wasn't worth the madness that was inside that store!

I ended up back home just in time to make some dinner and settle in to watch The Bachelor!  (If you haven't watched tonight's episode yet, skip this paragraph! I don't want to spoil it!)  
Poor Kacie B.!!! She was by far my favorite and I thought for sure she would win!  Of course I can't stand Courtney (I don't think anyone can) and Lindzi and Nikki just seem kind of fake!  But o well... it'll be interesting to see who he ends up with! Gotta love reality TV!

So that was my lazy day! (I forgot to mention I received a package from my dad with my 3 favorite kinds of Girl Scout Cookies!! YUMMM!! Another part that made my day great!!)  I hope you all had a great start to the week!  As for me, I guess it's back to a full day of classes and studying tomorrow! O joy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Throwback Thursday!!!

Happy Thursday!!!
I thought it would be fun to do a "Throwback Thursday!" so I found a few pictures from my Junior Year in High School!! It seems like a different life and I had no idea what I had in store for my future!  In high school I was pretty shy and quiet but I loved my friends and I still keep in touch with most of them! I was involved in a lot of activities (mainly sports) but still was never the "popular" type and I was completely fine with that! So let's go down memory lane!!!

Left to right: Me, Lauren B., Kri, Lauren W.
This was at Windy Gap!! Windy Gap is a Young Life (Christian program for high schoolers) camp!  Every year there was a weekend trip and this was the first year I actually went!  YL camps are always a blast, filled with all sorts of goofy activities and fun ways to learn about Jesus!

As I mentioned, I played many sports in high school, but basketball was my main sport! I even ended up getting a scholarship and went to play 3 years in college.  Anyways...this is a picture of my team playing in Time Warner Cable Area, where the Charlotte Bobcats play!! It was actually right after the arena was built and before the Bobcats had even played there! The only memories I have of that game is that we lost (by 2 points) and at one point my shoe came off during the game and I was put on the jumbo-tron trying to put it back on... embarrassing!!!
I'm #44
These 2 pictures are of my team...my team that won the North Carolina 4A State Championship!!!!  One of the greatest memories of my life!!  I've been on a few winning teams, but there is nothing that compares to being the State Champion! 
Junior prom.... First and foremost...This is my brother, not my date (hence the awkward pose).  Anyways...everyone is always excited about their first prom... I loved my dress but HATED my hair...I told her I just wanted a curly pony-tail but she pinned it all up... Now I suppose it doesn't look too bad but I just remember feeling so stupid! haha! I had a great night with some great girlfriends (no date!) but I remember being stressed out because of course I had an AAU basketball game the next day at 8 am!
And finally one of the best pets I ever had! My rat, Skinner! I bought him my junior year for a psychology project!! That's right, I had to teach him to go through a maze!  The funny thing was that no matter how much I tried he would never do what I wanted!  Eventually he got so big he just climbed over the walls of the maze!  Luckily, the day of my presentation, I took him to class and for the first time he went all the way through the maze in like 20 seconds! I was shocked but at least I got a 100 on the project!!!

 I hope you enjoyed traveling down my memory lane!! It's hard to believe that was about 6 years ago!
What are some of your favorite memories from your Junior year of high school??

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!!!

Today, I'm linking up with Little Daisy May for my first "What I'm Loving Wednesday!!"

Today I'm loving:
One Tree Hill! 
Netflix has got me addicted to re-watching this show and its causing me to procrastinate on all my school work! eek!!

This Skin Food nail polish!
My roommates friend brought it for me from Korea when she visited over Christmas! As you can see it's a nude color which makes my nails look healthier without giving it that bold look! I'm obsessed with it!

The Hunger Games!
I mentioned that I started reading this book, and I LOVE it so far... I haven't been able to read it as much as I want (mainly because of my addiction to OTH) but its still amazing

I Love Taylor Swift and this song is on the soundtrack for "The Hunger Games" movie!  It's kind of eerie (and definitely different from her typical song) but it seems to fit the mood of the book!

Crumbs Cupcakes!
If you're ever in NYC then you must visit Crumbs!!! They're all over Manhattan so it won't be hard to find! These are two cupcakes my friend got me yesterday! The left is Strawberry cake with a strawberry filled center and the right is a Chocolate Cheesecake cupcake with cheesecake center! SOOO delicious!

And Finally...
Charlotte, NC!
As you know, this is my home!! And I'm counting down the days until I get to go back!! I'm at 24 days until I get to go home for a week during Spring Break!! I can't wait to see my friends and family!!

What are you loving this Wednesday??

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I hope everyone has had a great day full of love!!!
Even though I'm single and spent most of the day studying/in class, I still LOVE Valentines day!  I don't know why...I'm not a big fan of spending money on expensive flowers or candy but it's just fun to get (and give) sweet reminders about how much you are loved!  And I'm one lucky girl because I feel very loved!

My mom sent me a sweet card (even with some cash in it)...I absolutely love getting cards/letters...There is nothing more personal than a hand written note!  Since being in NYC, my family and friends have been so sweet sending letters and cards saying how much they miss me! It's just so much more personal than a text or an email! So my mom's card really meant a lot!

My dad sent me chocolate covered strawberries!!! I thought I loved getting flowers, but I must say...these were better than flowers!! And I don't feel guilty eating a few of them in one day because the package said they are best if eaten within 48 hours...so that means I have to eat more than one or two...right? Although I did share them with my roommates!! Yumm!!! 

But...The best surprise came from my Valentine/ Soulmate, Lizzy!  I've mentioned this wonderful person before but in case you don't know... Lizzy was my roommate in college for 3 years and we became soooo close! She is my best friend and I miss her soo much!! Anyways... Yesterday, I received a package containing all these goodies...
As you can see... it contained a notebook that says "You're The Sprinkles on my Donut" (We have a little inside joke about sprinkles)... some homemade tie-die, heart-shaped crayons (which I'm pretty sure she got off Pinterest) because she knows I LOVE to color, some sushi themed erasers because we can't go on our frequent sushi dates anymore, and my favorite... the paper hands showing how much she loves and misses me!!! She is sooo creative!!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Valentines as well!!! 
Did you get anything fun or creative??

P.S.- Prayers go out to Anna from Adventures of a A-Type as she is in Jamaica on a medical mission trip!! You Go Girl! Good Luck!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Over The Hump!!

Hello Ladies!!
We've made it past the Hump and were at the end of the week!! Luckily for me, Thursday and Friday are my easy days at class so I am already anticipating the weekend!! This week has surprisingly been a great week though so I couldn't be happier!  Here are some updates!

Recently I've been obsessed with One Tree Hill!! Although I watched it in college, I haven't watched it in about a year so I'm not up-to-date with it.  Luckily, Netflix has got me hooked on re-watching it! I'm now in the middle of season 6 and it's still as great as I remember!! The episode where Quentin Fields dies still had me crying my eyes out!!

I started reading "The Hunger Games" today!  Thanks to Anna, from Adventures of a Type-A, I caved and decided to see what all the hype is about the book series!! And so far I LOVE it!! I'm not too far into it yet, (I read it during a boring class today), but once I get my work done this week I'm sure I'll read it all weekend!! I also love reading books before I see the movie, so I have to read it before the movie comes out!! So thank you Anna!!

Walmart was a LIFE-SAVER this week as well!!! Being in NYC has been a shock, especially to my bank account! Everything is just way more expensive, and not having a Walmart with their "roll-back" prices has been killing me! But luckily I recently discovered you can have some grocery/ household items shipped!!! So I received a huge package today filled with toilet paper, shampoo, granola bars, toothpaste, etc...and the price I paid was less than half of what I would've payed at the local market here! So I will never take Walmart for granted again!!

Tomorrow, my friend and I are going to a hockey game!!  I've only been to a couple hockey games before (and that's only if you count the Charlotte Checkers when I was way younger) so I'm actually excited!  I've never really enjoyed the sport but he loves it so I'm sure it'll be fun! Besides, any sporting event is fun!!  And I convinced him to go see "The Vow" with me on Saturday so I guess I'll have to  suck it up and probably even buy him a beer!

So, "The Vow"!!!! I know almost every girl is excited to see this movie...it's the most anticipated chick-flick since "The Notebook"!!  Rachel McAdams is amazing...and we all know Channing Tatum is nothing less than SEXY!! So I am so excited for Saturday!!

Anyways, I hope you all have had and continue to have a great week!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Are You Ready For Some Football?!!

Yay!! It's Superbowl Sunday!!!  
     I'm excited to watch one of the biggest events of the year even though I haven't been able to watch much football this season...and by not much I mean none!  I haven't watched a whole NFL game all season!  See the thing is, being from Charlotte, NC of course the Carolina Panthers are my team!! But living up North means that the Panther's aren't usually televised on the local channels, and since I'm a broke student I really can't just go to a bar to watch the games.  So this meant I had to keep up with the games through my Twitter feed! 
     Anyways, so it's a rematch between the Patriots and Giants!  Although I don't really have a preference for either team (as long as its a good game and fun to watch), I will most likely have to be pulling for the Giants!  Two Reasons: 1- Patriots beat the Panthers in the 2004 Super Bowl and I never really got over it! haha and 2- When in New York, do as the New Yorker's do, right?!? I figured since I'm living in their state, I might as well support them!  But again, either way, as long as its a close/competitive and exciting game, I will be happy!  Besides, everyone knows the commercials are the best part anyways!!

Who are you guys rooting for??!!  

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Friday!!

Hey Guys!!
     I just have had one of the best days in awhile and felt like writing about it!!  The funny thing is that nothing really happened that was too great but it was just one of those days where I was in the best mood!!
I spent most of the morning and afternoon working on a homework assignment that was due tonight.  But of course there always involves a little procrastination, so I was also able to watch a few episodes of "Say Yes To The Dress"!  I love that show!  Although I have no intention/hopes to get married any time soon, I'm still a girl so I'm obviously obsessed with weddings!
      Anyways... I had class from 5 to 7:30 and who likes Friday night classes?? NO ONE!! But luckily the professor finished everything he wanted to go over within an hour so we were out by 615! Woo! What a GREAT start to the weekend!!
      After class I went to the gym for a great workout!  Then I decided to treat myself to a great salad, (the market around the corner makes the best fresh salads with so many options to mix in!!) and a glass of wine!!  So I spent the night watching a movie (Why Did I Get Married Too?....I love all Tyler Perry Movies and this was no exception) and relaxing in my apartment!! I feel like I'm getting old because this just seemed perfect to me!
      Anyways.... I guess I did leave out one piece of exciting information... We booked a cruise today!!! Woo!! And by we, I mean my best friends and I!!!  My three best friends, Lizzy, Emily, and Haley have been wanting to go on a cruise and it's finally going to happen!!  These girls mean the world to me and I can not wait!! This year has been rough because living in NYC doesn't really make it convenient for frequent visits!!  In college we could just walk right across the hall to see each other and now we have to settle for Skype dates and visits every couple of months!! So this trip will definitely be great... The only downfall is that we have to wait for August 18th!!
      We took a beach trip at the end of last summer right before I moved so I guess this might be a tradition we'll have to start!  It'll be great to spend 5 days with them in the Bahamas right before I have to head back to NYC for my last semester of school!!  So let the count down begin!!
I hope you all have had a Fabulous day and Enjoy your weekend!!!

From Left: Emily, Lizzy, Me, Haley!!
This was at our Beach Trip at the end of our Junior Year to celebrate Lizzy's 21st!!!
 From Left: Lizzy, Haley, Me, Emily!!!
This was our reunion (after 3 months apart) for Wingate's Homecoming this past November!!! 
3 months apart from your best friends shouldn't be allowed!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Weekend Playlist!!!

So I hope you all have had a better week than me!!  Since Saturday I have been on an emotional roller coaster! No lie!  Remember when I said I was horrible with relationships?...Well that’s why this has been a crazy week!  But luckily for me my iPod has been a savior! There is nothing like a great song (especially a country song) that makes you feel better!  It seems like my iPod knows exactly what to play at the right moment, and usually it’s a Taylor Swift song…Let’s face it…Taylor Swift knows my life! Anyways, instead of boring you with the drama and crazy details of my life this weekend I thought I would use a few songs to describe what I was feeling/going through!  So here is this past weekend’s playlist!! (I added some lyrics so you don’t necessarily have to listen to the whole song to understand).

So I started this weekend with this kind of attitude!! Lady Antebellum- "Long Gone"
“It’s so like you just to show up at my door And act like nothin’s happened.  
You think I’ll sweep my heart up off the floor and give it to you like so many times before.  
You’re talking to a stranger, I’m not that girl anymore.  
That girl is long gone!”

Ok….well you know we always say that and then he comes around and you start feeling like this... Taylor Swift: “The Other Side of the Door”
“But if you look a little closer…
I said ‘Leave,’ but all I really want is you 
To stand outside my window, throwing pebbles, screaming, “I’m in love with you.” 
Wait there in the pourin’ rain, Come back for more.  
And don’t you leave, ‘cause I know all I need is on the other side of the door.”

So once you make that realization you start thinking about the past and that’s when your iPod plays this great song…. Lady Antebellum: “All We’d Ever Need”
“Boy it’s been all this time, and I can’t get you off my mind, and nobody knows it but me!  
I stare at your photograph, still sleep in the shirt you left, and nobody knows it but me. 
Everyday I wipe my tears away.  So many nights I’ve prayed for you to say:  
‘I should’ve been chasing you.  I should’ve been trying to prove that you were all that mattered to me. 
I should’ve said all the things, that I kept inside of me and maybe I could’ve made you believe, 
That what we had, was all we’d ever need”

After going through this whirlwind of emotions, of course I started to get homesick and just wanted to be with my family.  Taylor Swift: “Never Grow Up”
“So here I am in my new apartment In a big city, they just dropped me off. 
It’s so much colder than I thought it would be, So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on.  
Wish I’d never grown up. I wish I’d never grown up.”

At this point your iPod realizes you just need to get your mind off of the situation and you need to laugh so it’ll throw in a random one like this, (and you know we all want to be rap stars!): Taylor Swift “Thug Story”
(I won’t even post lyrics for this because if you haven’t heard it yet you need to watch! Classic lol)

So once I just have some fun and stop thinking about it I decided I just need to take a chance and of course my playlist gave me this inspiration: Adele “One and Only"
“You’ve been on my mind, I grow fonder ever day 
  Lose myself in time just thinking of your face.  
God only knows why it’s taken me so long to let my doubts go.  You’re the only one that I want.  
I don’t know why I’m scared, I’ve been here before.  Every feeling, every word, I’ve imagined it all.  
You’ll never know if you never try to forget your past and simply be mine.  
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only.  Promise I’m worthy to hold in your arms.  
So come on and give me a chance, To prove I am the one who can, walk that mile.”

So if it isn’t obvious, I was a complete nutcase this week!  But there is a little more to it than that… I also felt this way about a different situation with another person:  Carrie Underwood: “What Can I Say”
“I’m not sorry that it’s over, but for the way we let it end.  I couldn’t find the words to say.”

Anyways… I’m sorry if my story through songs made no sense at all, but hopefully you got to listen to some pretty awesome music!  I am realizing I need to update my iPod to something more than Taylor Swift and Lady Antebellum! Haha! But in the end I know I’ll figure out what needs to be done but for now I’m tired of worrying about it!  I’ve got other things I need to focus on so this is how I’m ending it! Lady Antabellum “One Day You Will”

“But down the road the sun is shining.  In every cloud there’s a silver lining.  Just keep holding on! 
And every heartache makes you stronger, but it won’t be much longer.  
You’ll find love, you’ll find peace and the you you’re meant to be.  
I know right now that’s not the way you feel.  But one day you will!”

What songs do you feel tell the story of your life??