Monday, February 20, 2012

A Lazy Day!

Happy Monday!
I know everyone usually hates Monday's but since I have no classes on Mondays, I personally love it (at least during this semester!) Anyways, I perfected the lazy day!! Last night I stayed up until about 3 am reading "The Hunger Games"...and of course I woke up thinking about "The Hunger Games" so I grabbed the book and laid in bed most of the day until I finished it...
All I have to say is: AMAZING!!!

The best part of the book is that it leaves you hanging... thankfully the series is complete so I went online and ordered the next book "Catching Fire" now I just have to wait 2-3 days until it's delivered and I can continue where it left off!!  It seems like too long to wait, but I guess it might be a good thing since I have midterms coming up and I should probably be preparing for those?!! (Studying ruins everything!)

Anyways, after laying around all day I decided I needed to get out for some fresh air!  Luckily, the city didn't get any snow yesterday and it wasn't too cold.  I ended up walking the 40 blocks to Trader Joes!  It was so refreshing to just get out and walk (while listening to my iPod of course)!  The funny thing was, when I got to Trader Joes, it was SO busy...and New Yorkers aren't the most polite people when they are grocery shopping! I ended up doing a lap in the store and walking right back outside!  Although the prices are a little cheaper, it just wasn't worth the madness that was inside that store!

I ended up back home just in time to make some dinner and settle in to watch The Bachelor!  (If you haven't watched tonight's episode yet, skip this paragraph! I don't want to spoil it!)  
Poor Kacie B.!!! She was by far my favorite and I thought for sure she would win!  Of course I can't stand Courtney (I don't think anyone can) and Lindzi and Nikki just seem kind of fake!  But o well... it'll be interesting to see who he ends up with! Gotta love reality TV!

So that was my lazy day! (I forgot to mention I received a package from my dad with my 3 favorite kinds of Girl Scout Cookies!! YUMMM!! Another part that made my day great!!)  I hope you all had a great start to the week!  As for me, I guess it's back to a full day of classes and studying tomorrow! O joy!

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