Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy National Margarita Day!!!

I know it's Ash Wednesday so it seems bad to have "National Margarita Day" on the same day, but I didn't create it, so I guess I'll just enjoy it! :)  I've never participated in Lent but this year I decided I'll give it a try!  I had a hard time coming up with something to give up since I don't drink much soda or eat fried food often anyways...but I decided I'm giving up late night eating!!! Since being in New York, grabbing a late night snack from a street cart or the market has become a bad habit! So now I will not eat after 9:30 pm... I know that's still pretty late but I have a few classes that are from 6-8:45 pm and 5pm is way too early to eat dinner so I had to give myself a little time after class to grab dinner!  Hopefully I can achieve this goal!  (My roommate decided to give up elevators! I think it's a pretty cool idea since we only live on the 5th floor so its not hard to walk up the stairs!  Good way to get some extra calories burned!)

Anyways,...I don't know about you but today has been the longest day everrrr! Time has not been on my side!! I guess I'm just really looking forward to the weekend, and whenever you're excited about something, it can never come quick enough!!

Although I slept in (entirely too late) I woke up sooo sore! I ran 2 miles yesterday and I'm not a runner so that just equals pain!  I also had a dream that I had decided to play college basketball again and went to pre-season workouts (something I definitely don't miss).  I think that just made my soreness more mentally painful!

Anyways,  I spent the entire afternoon in the library with some friends doing our homework...homework that is ridiculously hard!  Sometimes I wonder why I decided to go to graduate school!  I hope it pays off one day (and I know it will).  After completing (most of) the homework, we decided to grab a frozen margarita to celebrate this great holiday! It was a great way to recover from our brain overload at the library!

After dinner with a friend, I came home to watch Revenge! (Amazing show!!!)  Unfortunately there is no new episode tonight! Bummer!! Luckily for me, the book "Catching Fire" I ordered (not even 48 hours ago) arrived today!! So I'll get to use this time to read!!!

Last but not least, I went to brush my teeth and clumsily dropped my toothbrush in the toilet!! EEKKK! I'm just thankful my dad decided to throw in an extra one in my last care package!! ;)

Hope you all had a great dayy!!

What did you give up for Lent?!

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