Thursday, February 16, 2012

Throwback Thursday!!!

Happy Thursday!!!
I thought it would be fun to do a "Throwback Thursday!" so I found a few pictures from my Junior Year in High School!! It seems like a different life and I had no idea what I had in store for my future!  In high school I was pretty shy and quiet but I loved my friends and I still keep in touch with most of them! I was involved in a lot of activities (mainly sports) but still was never the "popular" type and I was completely fine with that! So let's go down memory lane!!!

Left to right: Me, Lauren B., Kri, Lauren W.
This was at Windy Gap!! Windy Gap is a Young Life (Christian program for high schoolers) camp!  Every year there was a weekend trip and this was the first year I actually went!  YL camps are always a blast, filled with all sorts of goofy activities and fun ways to learn about Jesus!

As I mentioned, I played many sports in high school, but basketball was my main sport! I even ended up getting a scholarship and went to play 3 years in college.  Anyways...this is a picture of my team playing in Time Warner Cable Area, where the Charlotte Bobcats play!! It was actually right after the arena was built and before the Bobcats had even played there! The only memories I have of that game is that we lost (by 2 points) and at one point my shoe came off during the game and I was put on the jumbo-tron trying to put it back on... embarrassing!!!
I'm #44
These 2 pictures are of my team that won the North Carolina 4A State Championship!!!!  One of the greatest memories of my life!!  I've been on a few winning teams, but there is nothing that compares to being the State Champion! 
Junior prom.... First and foremost...This is my brother, not my date (hence the awkward pose).  Anyways...everyone is always excited about their first prom... I loved my dress but HATED my hair...I told her I just wanted a curly pony-tail but she pinned it all up... Now I suppose it doesn't look too bad but I just remember feeling so stupid! haha! I had a great night with some great girlfriends (no date!) but I remember being stressed out because of course I had an AAU basketball game the next day at 8 am!
And finally one of the best pets I ever had! My rat, Skinner! I bought him my junior year for a psychology project!! That's right, I had to teach him to go through a maze!  The funny thing was that no matter how much I tried he would never do what I wanted!  Eventually he got so big he just climbed over the walls of the maze!  Luckily, the day of my presentation, I took him to class and for the first time he went all the way through the maze in like 20 seconds! I was shocked but at least I got a 100 on the project!!!

 I hope you enjoyed traveling down my memory lane!! It's hard to believe that was about 6 years ago!
What are some of your favorite memories from your Junior year of high school??

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