Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Over The Hump!!

Hello Ladies!!
We've made it past the Hump and were at the end of the week!! Luckily for me, Thursday and Friday are my easy days at class so I am already anticipating the weekend!! This week has surprisingly been a great week though so I couldn't be happier!  Here are some updates!

Recently I've been obsessed with One Tree Hill!! Although I watched it in college, I haven't watched it in about a year so I'm not up-to-date with it.  Luckily, Netflix has got me hooked on re-watching it! I'm now in the middle of season 6 and it's still as great as I remember!! The episode where Quentin Fields dies still had me crying my eyes out!!

I started reading "The Hunger Games" today!  Thanks to Anna, from Adventures of a Type-A, I caved and decided to see what all the hype is about the book series!! And so far I LOVE it!! I'm not too far into it yet, (I read it during a boring class today), but once I get my work done this week I'm sure I'll read it all weekend!! I also love reading books before I see the movie, so I have to read it before the movie comes out!! So thank you Anna!!

Walmart was a LIFE-SAVER this week as well!!! Being in NYC has been a shock, especially to my bank account! Everything is just way more expensive, and not having a Walmart with their "roll-back" prices has been killing me! But luckily I recently discovered you can have some grocery/ household items shipped!!! So I received a huge package today filled with toilet paper, shampoo, granola bars, toothpaste, etc...and the price I paid was less than half of what I would've payed at the local market here! So I will never take Walmart for granted again!!

Tomorrow, my friend and I are going to a hockey game!!  I've only been to a couple hockey games before (and that's only if you count the Charlotte Checkers when I was way younger) so I'm actually excited!  I've never really enjoyed the sport but he loves it so I'm sure it'll be fun! Besides, any sporting event is fun!!  And I convinced him to go see "The Vow" with me on Saturday so I guess I'll have to  suck it up and probably even buy him a beer!

So, "The Vow"!!!! I know almost every girl is excited to see this's the most anticipated chick-flick since "The Notebook"!!  Rachel McAdams is amazing...and we all know Channing Tatum is nothing less than SEXY!! So I am so excited for Saturday!!

Anyways, I hope you all have had and continue to have a great week!!!


  1. Just found your blog and love it! I'm a NC girl, too! New follower :)

  2. Ahh I'm so glad you decided to start reading the Hunger Games!! I promise you, it will not disappoint. I'm so incredibly obsessed with it, it rivals my Harry Potter obsession. (Aka it's kind of a big deal.) Please please please let me know what you think when you're done!
