Monday, January 16, 2012

And There It Goes: The End of Winter Break!

So this is my last night of winter break!! Tomorrow morning at 9 am I will be sitting in a Macroeconomics class… And although I’m glad I will finally have something to do, I’m going to miss all the free time I’ve had in the past few weeks!  Anyways, I thought I would write about some things that I’ve experienced in the past few days!  
                First of all, if you’re looking for a new book to read I have a great recommendation! “Look Again” by Lisa Scottoline is an amazing book!  I actually found it in the library of donated books in the basement of my apartment building.  I was out of books to read so I just randomly browsed and this one seemed interesting.  But it ended up exceeding my expectations! It seems fairly predictable but ended up having a few twists and turns that I never expected! It was an easy read and I definitely recommend it!  Last night I started “The Best of Me” by Nicholas Sparks.  If you know me well, then you know I’m a huge Nicholas Sparks fan and this book has been great so far! I’ll let you know how it turns out!

                After watching part of the Golden Globes last night, I decided I must see “The Descendants” , so I went to see it this morning, (yes, it feels weird to go see a movie in the morning but if you go before noon its only $6 and I’m a broke student in NYC so it’s really my only option).  Anyways, I had no idea what the movie was even about but it starred George Clooney which, let’s face it, is VERY sexy.  I was also interested to see Shailene Woodley because I’ve only seen her act in the ABC Family’s TV show “The Secret Life of the American Teenager”, and although that show had very poor acting and completely ridiculous plots, I was once addicted!  Anyways, back to “The Descendants”, that show was very much deserving of its Golden Globe for Best Picture!  It was a great movie! Although very different from my usual romantic comedy, it had me laughing and I cried about three different times!  Definitely recommended!

                Another highlight of my day was I finally started Pinterest!  Everyone has been obsessing about it so I finally decided to see what the hype was all about!  It seems interesting and I found a new drinking game I’ve decided to try, but so far I don’t know if I’ll really get into it!  If you have Pinterest, give me some recommendations!
            (Imagine playing this in Time Square! Can you say "Bucket List!"? haha)

                Over break I also caught up on all 6 and a half seasons of How I Met Your Mother!  I’m addicted and I wish I would’ve listened to my best friend Lizzy while I lived with her considering she owns all the seasons! O well, thank God for Netflix!  Also, since I’ve gotten my iPhone (which I don’t know how I lived without one for so long), I have now become addicted to the game Temple Run; so addicted to the point that my high score is now above 6 million. That puts me in the top 5% of all players!  I don’t know if I should be proud or feel very, very ashamed!  Once again, I’m excited for classes to start so I’ll have something else to do with my life!!
                Well I guess that’s it for tonight! I’m not looking forward to having a morning class tomorrow, but after this semester I’ll only have one more left!! It’s crazy how fast time goes!  Wish me luck!!!

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