Monday, December 26, 2011

I'm just getting more AWESOME!

I recently saw this picture on Facebook (thanks to my wonderful friend Lizzy) and it literally made me laugh out loud:
It seems like every time I log on I see someone else is getting married!!  I’m 22 years old and just graduated from college so I guess I’m at that age where those that had serious relationships throughout college are ready for marriage.  Shoot, even my twin brother is engaged and will be getting married in July! 
He has been dating his fiancĂ© for over 3 years now so I completely understand their decision and I’m truly happy for them!  They are a wonderful couple and I’m excited to finally have her as a sister!  But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit jealous!
                Every girl wants to find that one guy that she knows she could spend the rest of her life with.  Although being single can be fun, it’s extremely annoying to have to deal with the wrong guys.  Also not knowing what the future holds can be scary… What if I never find the right guy and am alone forever?  Well that is a possibility but very doubtful (knock on wood).  People often quote the verse:
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  -Jeremiah 29:11
This is a great verse and I do believe God has a plan for me, but it doesn’t always comfort during a time of loneliness.  During a girls night while complaining about being single a good friend once said “God isn’t exactly UPS…and I hate waiting.”  I laugh now because it’s so true.  But here’s the thing: Instead of worrying about finding the right guy and getting married as soon as possible, why not focus on becoming more awesome?!
>                That’s what my journey in NYC is about.  I’m here to get a masters degree, and not to brag but that’s pretty darn awesome!  Instead of focusing on finding someone to marry, I’m focusing on becoming the best person I can be so that in the future when I do find that lucky guy (and he will be lucky to get a catch like me! Haha jk) I can be ready to settle down! 
                This can apply to all the engaged/ married couples out there also.  You can still become more awesome!!   The point is everyone should still continue to become better people every day.  As corny as it sounds, it’s true.  Football coach Jon Gruden said “You never stay the same. You either get better or you get worse.”

(By the way, I will still probably curse and roll my eyes every time I see that someone else is engaged!)

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