Monday, December 26, 2011

Home Alone 5: Alone but Not at Home

It’s the day after Christmas.  You know, the day that things start going back to normal. No more overly cheery Christmas songs, people taking down decorations, exchanging the crappy gifts.  Yesterday, everything was perfect!  Spending time with family, the excitement of what Santa brought, a glass of wine or two (or three, but probably more), and the amazing dinner that took hours to prepare.  But don’t worry, only 364 days until next Christmas!
But actually, I couldn’t be happier that it’s December 26th because yesterday wasn’t perfect for me.  It was the worst Christmas I’ve ever experienced.  There was no family, no fun gifts, and NO WINE!!!  Don’t take that wrong, I was extremely thankful for the gifts that I received: January rent money, running shoes, an umbrella, and food (seems like the perfect NYC survival kit).  But it wasn’t good enough.  Calling my parents to wish them a Merry Christmas isn’t nearly as fun as waking up and hugging them while saying it!  I spent the day mostly alone in my apartment watching How I Met Your Mother (great show!) and trying to clean.  Although I did try to splurge and make a great dinner including my holiday favorite, broccoli casserole, I wasn’t able to enjoy it with my family and there was NO WINE!
I’ve been living in NYC for over 4 months now and I’ve gotten homesick quite a bit, but yesterday was the hardest time I’ve had since moving here.  I realize that as we get older it becomes more common to spend holidays away from your family.  We have jobs that make it hard to travel, we start spending it with the family of our significant other, or we’ve lost loved ones and holidays will never be the same.  But the first big holiday alone is when it hits you.  I’m growing up.  As much as I love my family and hope to spend as many holidays with them as possible, it’s not guaranteed.  For now the reason is school, but eventually it will be because of work, then it will be because of a boyfriend or husband (wow, that’s scary), and possibly (in the far FAR future) it will be because of kids and starting my own family.  I guess this is just something I might have to get used to!
                Living in NYC has been a huge step to becoming an adult.  I have become a stronger person and it has helped me realize that anything is possible for the future.  Even if it means spending Christmas alone, I’m really blessed to have this experience and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  (And besides, I’ll get to see my family in less than a week for New Years!  And this time there will be wine! Lots and Lots of Wine! J)

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