Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Take it Back!

I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the first time, and although I was excited to finally go, it confirmed that I’m definitely more of a math person rather than art and history.  None the less I had a great time, but it was after I left the museum when something really caught my eye.   I was sitting in a small pizza joint on the Upper East Side when a story on CNN caught my attention.  The headline was “Worst Christmas Ever”.  Now if you read my blog yesterday you can understand why I was interested.  However, I now take back what I said yesterday.  My Christmas was amazing compared to this family’s.
There was a fatal fire in a home in Stamford, Connecticut that was due to a “fireplace-related” accident.  Although the home owner and one other person escaped with minor injuries, three young girls and their grandparents were killed.  Could you imagine waking up on Christmas morning to discover that five of your family members won’t be joining you in the fun?  It’s easy to say that this isn’t on anyone’s wish list. 
It really makes me grateful that even though I wasn’t able to spend Christmas with them, I could still hear the voices of my family members and I will be able to see them in just a couple of days!  Life is short and we need to take advantage and be grateful for each day we are given.  It seems like I’ve constantly been reminded of this in 2011.  This past May, my cousin was killed in a tragic plane crash.  Also, one of my good friends/ teammates lost her mom in a horrible bike accident this past October.  Tragic is an understatement for both of these accidents.   These truly amazing people were taken out of our lives in just an instance. 
I wanted to take the time to reflect on how grateful I am for my family and friends.  I love each of them so much and I don’t know who I would be without them.  I pray for those families that have been struggling with the holiday season because of lost loved ones and I hope that they find comfort in the fact that those lost ones had an amazing Christmas celebration with our Savior.  We will see them again one day!  May you rest in peace Matt Shuey, Tamra Rhodes, and the Badger family. 

Worst Christmas Ever  (This is an article about the same story I saw on CNN)

1 comment:

  1. So sad! Your Christmas is definitely amazing by comparison. I'll be praying for them as well.
