Thursday, March 8, 2012


So... I haven't blogged in a week and a half!! AHH!  I've had midterms for the past week.  They started last Friday and I just had my last one this morning!! Talk about a stressed out week!  But the great thing is its finally SPRING BREAK!!!!

I'm so excited about this week off of classes!  Not only do I need the break from school work, I also am in desperate need of a break from New York City!! I will finally get to go home (Charlotte, NC) on Saturday for 6 whole days!!! I haven't been home since Thanksgiving and I haven't been home for more than a weekend since I moved here so I am beyond excited!  I just hope 6 days is enough time to spend time and see everyone that I want to!  It's amazing how fast time can fly by sometimes!! I already have most of the week planned and I get to start it by celebrating with one of my best friends from high school for her bachelorette party!!  Soo Excited!! Tonight I actually made something for her party that I'm pretty excited about!! It was my FIRST Pinterest Craft!! Finally!! I'll be sure to show you what I created next week!!

Anyways... I don't have much else to share since my days have only consisted of studying lately but I will say that I officially have SPRING FEVER! It was 68 Degrees in NYC today!!! WHAT?? I've been listening to all my friends and family talk about how warm it is in North Carolina while I've been stuck in 30 degree it was sooo nice to finally break out my sandals and enjoy the warm sun!

I hope you all have been doing well! I've enjoyed reading everyone's blogs this past week! (It was a great break/ procrastination method from studying so thank you!!)

Also, make sure you check out Prep In Your Step!! She's had some great giveaways ALL week! Today is a cute monogrammed (who doesn't love monograms!) clipboard and some matching notecards!!  :)

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